
Mind Trip of the Week #27: Double Your Money

This is an outstanding Mind Trip that will baffle your friends and reduce their minds to ashes. Have one of your friends loan you a dollar bill. They watch as you fold the dollar up into a small square. A lot of people try to get ahead in life by gambling their money....

Mind Trip of the Week #26: Balance

Have you ever tried to touch your toes with your back and heels against the wall? It is impossible. Now I have been told that it can be done, but it is rare and all about weight distribution and balance. Which brings us to our science based Mind Trip of the Week....

Mind Trip of the Week #25: Link Up

Christian is back with another Mind Trip that only requires that you have 2 paper clips and a dollar bill. Sometimes the simplest things can create impressive miracles. Did you know that you can use money as a ruler?  If you don’t have a measuring tape handy and...