by Mind Tripping Show | Oct 17, 2012 | Mind Trips
So, we here at the Mind Tripping Laboratories decided to try a little experiment with Mind Trippery since that is what we do! Take a look at the picture below. This picture looks impossible, doesn’t it? I assure you this is not trick photography or image...
by Mind Tripping Show | Oct 10, 2012 | Mind Trips
Sometimes when you walk into a room you see something that just does not look right. You end up doing a double take to try and comprehend what you have just seen. Sometimes because things happen so fast you never know what happened or what you just saw that looked...
by Mind Tripping Show | Oct 3, 2012 | Mind Trips
Making things invisible is now possible and real. The amount of research that has gone into invisibility technology over the past 10 years is incredible. In 2003, Japanese scientists,led by Dr. Susumu Tachi, from Keio University, developed a cloth made of glass beads...
by Mind Tripping Show | Sep 26, 2012 | Mind Trips
I will read your mind. Follow these steps in order and do not skip ahead. 1. Think of a number between 1 and 10. 2. Muliply that number by 9. 3. If the number has two digits, add them together to get one number. (if it already has only one number that is the number)...
by Mind Tripping Show | Sep 19, 2012 | Mind Trips
Some people believe that there is a “cosmic” connection between two of our most famous presidents: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. There are some very interesting facts surrounding these two gentlemen. Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 Kennedy...