

mindlampDo you believe that you can change the color of a lamp with just your mind? Would you like to try? If so, the Mind Lamp is for you.

Inside the lamp is an REG – a Random Event Generator. The REG is a quantum measurement device that responds to conscious and subconscious intentions.

It is made by a company called Psyleron,Consciousness Technologies and Research.

I heard about this company after listening to a story about the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Lab. The story fascinated me as this group of researchers at Princeton conducted studies for almost 30 years about whether our conscious minds can influence the outcome of an event. So you can imagine the amount of data they collected – millions!

How this worked is that subjects were asked to use their minds to try and change the randomness of a Random Number Generator (RNG). We’ll use a flip of a coin as an example of an RNG (they actually used 1 and 0, but coins are easy to explain and visualize). When a coin is flipped, there is only 2 results that can happen: heads or tails. And either has a 50% chance of occurring. Subjects were asked to think either of heads or tails (depending on the experiment) with the goal that if the subjects influenced the coin with their minds, the result they were concentrating on would show up more than the other; that is – more than the random 50% chance.

So what was the result after 28 years of conducting experiments? Here is what the founder of PEAR Bob Jahn and his colleague Brenda Dunne have to say: “The enormous databases produced by PEAR have provided clear evidence that human thought and emotion can produce small but measurable influences on physical reality. The observed effects were usually quite small, of the order of a few parts in ten thousand on average, but they compounded to highly significant statistical deviations from chance expectations.” In addition to an individual they also studied groups and found some interesting observations: ” Pairs of operators with shared intentions were found to induce further anomalies in the experimental outputs, especially when the two individuals shared an emotional bond. Also, venues that appear to be particularly conducive to such field anomalies include small intimate groups, group rituals, sacred sites, musical and theatrical performances, and other charismatic events. In contrast, data generated during most academic conferences, business meetings, or other mundane venues showed less deviation than would be expected by chance.”

PEAR was shut down in 2007 because Robert and his staff believed that they had accomplished their goal – that the effects are real – consciousness does affect the randomness of physical systems and processes.

But now is there a larger, global study being conducted called the Global Consciousness Project. There are 70 RNGs placed around the world that measure if there is a global consciousness and if this can change the effect of random systems. “When a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNG’s become subtly structured.”

Obviously there is more research to be done, specifically to figure out how this is might be happening. What do you think?