Magical Number 7

Magical Number 7

Say a number between 1 and 10. Most people will say 7. Why is that? Why is 7 a lucky number for a lot of people? “There are seven days of the week, seven colours of the rainbow, seven notes on a musical scale, seven seas and seven continents. Snow White ran off...
Life Hack: Revive Stale Potato Chips

Life Hack: Revive Stale Potato Chips

Can we save stale potato chips?  Yes we can! Place a paper towel on a plate and then pour the lifeless chips on top of the paper towel.  Place them in the microwave for 30 seconds. Take them out and let them cool.  I know you want to eat them right away…but...
Brain Quirk: Spotlight Effect

Brain Quirk: Spotlight Effect

The Bottom Line: People are Not Paying As Much Attention to You as You Think! We have all done something embarrassing: tripped on our own feet, spilled a drink on our clothes, dropped something; we were so embarrassed and agonized over it for hours or days. Well good...
Impress your friends with your cleverness

Impress your friends with your cleverness

Mind Tripping fun to try at home! What you will need: 6 shot glasses total. 3 will be empty and 3 will be filled with your favorite beverage. Instructions: To start, lay out 6 shot glasses in a row. The first three in line will be full and the second three will be...